Dismissing Mental Disorders
"What do you have to be depressed about?" "You'll be fine, just take a deep breath." "You'll get over it. Things get better." "You're saying and doing that for attention." "This is a phase." "You'll grow out of it." Do these phrases sound familiar? To someone who lives with a mental disorder, those statements are said all too often. Because it's only recently that our culture has come to accept the presence of mental illness and what that truly means for individuals, there's still so much toxic stigma, harmful stereotypes, and dismissal centered especially around youth who think they may be or truly are living with mental illness. Teenagers already receive a lot of bad rap. They're stigmatized as moody, irresponsible, hormonal, rebellious-and in a lot of ways, they are. However, 1 in 5 teens are diagnosed a mental disorder, and many more live with the disorders unrecognized because the people cl...